Emoji: Birds

Soar through a colorful collection of bird emojis, each capturing the essence of our feathered friends with playful flair. This vibrant set will make your memory game as lively as a flock in flight!

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Turns: 0
Time: 00:00
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How to play



  1. The player starts by flipping over two cards of their choice.
  2. If the two cards match (i.e., they have the same image), the player removes the pair from the grid and sets them aside. The player continues to flip over another pair of cards.
  3. If the cards do not match, the player turns them back face down and tries to remember their positions for future turns.


The goal is to match all the pairs of cards in the fewest number of turns possible. The player continues this process of flipping and matching until all pairs have been found and removed from the grid.

Scoring and Improvement:
